The company, which has been working since 1969, is situated in the Bronx, NYC, US. It is an internationally operating manufacturer, which supplies its products and buys raw materials from Asia, the Americas, and Europe. Its assembly lines are mainly in the Bronx, which’s why its ice makers and other products are recognized as "Made in NYC" (that is one of the hallmarks of superb quality and support of the local business).
The specialization of the company is freezers, ice machines, and refrigerators. In addition to the main specialization, Summit Appliance also manufactures weatherproof outdoor appliances, dishwashers, laundry machines, dispensers of beer, water, and other beverages, wine chillers, cooktops, and gas appliances. The number of models surpasses 600 in total.
The orientation of the business is on commercial users and households. Although Summit is interested in growing its business, for over 50 years of its existence, it did not become a large consortium but remained a mid-size yet sustainably working business that employs only around 200 people, focusing on quality, not expansion.